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Contents: 1. Krishnamurti Paddhati and Education, 2. Sub Lord, 3. K.P. & Astrology, 4. Sub lord Speaks, 5. Selection paper through Krishnamurti Paddhati Brothers 6. Unity Among ST, 7. Sub-Lords who diverts the Dasa Lords, 8. Ascendant Lagna, 9. Lagna Determination (From Article Epileptic Fits), 10 Lagna Determination (Late Sri. N. Krishnamurthy), 11. A Method to set a correct Lagna By K.P., 12. Advanced Stellar Astrology and the 9th Cusp Sub lord, 13. Birth Time Verification, 14 The Trigons, 15. Learn KP and Eam, 16 Choice of Friends (Friend or FOE), 17. Ruling Planet 18. A Few words about Planets, 19. Bus follows K.P., 20. The Arrival of Moon 21. Sensitive Point, 22. Promotion - When? and the Act of Moon, 23. Who will be a successful astrologer?, 24. Timing of events, 25. Timing of events, 26. Sub Sub and its Usage, 27. Transit 1, 28. Transit 2, 29. The Golden Rule in KP 30. Will be able to clear off loans? When?, 31. Horary Astrology, 32. Hints for Judging a Horary Chart, 33 Guidelines for professional Astrologers, 34. How to find out the predictions made by the astrologer will prove correct?, 35. Anatomy of Prediction, 36. New Horizons in K.P., 37. "OH" What a Hatred on K.P., 38. Krishnamurti Padhdhati, 39. The Horoscope of Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, 40. The Lion Roars "You and Your, 41. K.P. First STEP Stars", 42. Indo - American - K.P. Predictions, 43. Placidus system (Semi-arc 44. Latitudes and Longitudes, 45. Geocentric Latitude System), 46. Conversion of Geographic Latitude To Geocentric Latitude