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1. Lord Ganesh
2. Stellar Astrology - Utility of ruling planets in timing of events
3. Simplicity of the stellar system of prognostication
4 Borrowing
5. A lesson from Retrograde planets: Re-selling a car
6. Retrograde & Transfer 7. The truth of the Theory of KP
8. Exalted Jupiter Offers Accidents 9. How the Ruling Planets work?
10. Directional Method of Timing of Events
11. Significance of Ruling planets in K.P. System in getting a Job
12. Educational aspect of K.P.
13. When will I get a Job? K.P. Answers 14. Employment Prospects and Promotions
15. How long separation? 16, Sub-Lord speaks
17. Sex And Time of Child 18. Horary Astrology - Major
19 Horary Astrology
20. Ruling Planets Reveal (Timing of Minor Events)
21. Time of Marriage
22. Saturn offers sale of Vehicle
23. Appointment - When?
24. Courage And confidence or cowardice and confusion
25. R.P & K.P
26. Restoration of Current When? Through RP.
27 Is progeny Promised?
28 Promotion And Retrograde Planets
29. Retrograde Saturn And Setback in service
30. Retrograde Sat and his Main Dasa
31. Retrograde Planets Vis-A-vis Minor Events
32. Retrogression - An Enigma
33. Role of Retrograde Jupiter & Horoscope 34 "You have failed in Prediction" says a politician
35. Significance of Retrograde Planets
36. When my daughter will arrive?
37. Retrograde Sub-Lord of Ascendant and Last Journey