Publisher: Saptarishis Publications
Author: Alok Jagawat
The Magnum Opus of Horary
great Acharya Shri Krishna composed this Grantha in the 11th century A.D.
Thereafter the book gained unequaled admiration and was quoted in later
compositions like Prashnamarg, Vidhyāmādhaviyam and Rudra's commentary on
Vrihad Jataka. The Malayalam lit..
Rs.375.00 Rs.425.00
Ex Tax:Rs.375.00
Publisher: Notion Press
Author: K. Guru Rajesh
DCI RecommendedAbout the Book:The
Horaphalaratnavali, a Malayalam commentary on the initial eight chapters of
Brihajjataka, runs as a dialogue between a teacher and his disciple. The author
appears to be well-versed in various branches of ancient learning and reveals
several secret interpretatio..
Ex Tax:Rs.1,500.00
Publisher: Notion Press
Author: K. Guru Rajesh
DCI RecommendedAbout the Book:Prashnamarga (Chapter 1, Shlokas 30, 31 & 32) says that an
astrologer who wants to excel in predictions should study the Dasadhyayi
commentary of Brihajjataka with special emphasis. The scholars who have a deep
understanding of the Dasadhyayi say that it would be..
Rs.595.00 Rs.700.00
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Publisher: Astrological Research Project
Author: Prof. Dr. Ramkrishna Shastri
Brihat Jatakam | Varahamihira | Bengali | Prof. Dr. Ramkrishna
Shastri |..
Rs.299.00 Rs.350.00
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Publisher: Astrological Research Project
Author: Prof. Dr. Ramkrishna Shastri
Laghu Jatakam | Varahamihira | Bengali | লঘুজাতকম্ | অধ্যাপক ড.
রামকৃষ্ণ শাস্ত্রী |..
Rs.275.00 Rs.300.00
Ex Tax:Rs.275.00
Publisher: Astrological Research Project
Author: Prof. Dr. Ramkrishna Shastri
Phaladeepika | Mantreswara | Bengali | ফলদীপিকা | অধ্যাপক ড.
রামকৃষ্ণ শাস্ত্রী |..
Rs.270.00 Rs.300.00
Ex Tax:Rs.270.00
Publisher: Astrological Research Project
Author: Prof. Dr. Ramkrishna Shastri
Chintamani | Daivagya Shri Ram | মুহূৰ্ত্ত চিন্তামণি | অধ্যাপক ড.
রামকৃষ্ণ শাস্ত্রী |..
Rs.270.00 Rs.300.00
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Publisher: Astrological Research Project
Author: Prof. Dr. Ramkrishna Shastri
Mansagari Paddhati | Harji | Bengali | Astrological Classics |
Prof. Dr. Ramkrishna Shastri |..
Rs.360.00 Rs.400.00
Ex Tax:Rs.360.00
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Author: P. K. Vasudev
About the Book:-
Maansagri is
amongst a few ancient treatises which was composed in the primeval time.
Although the exact origin of this text is not known, some scholars trace it to
the 16th century. This astrological text however, has assumed remarkable
importance for its unique and special tr..
Rs.1,170.00 Rs.1,300.00
Ex Tax:Rs.1,170.00
Publisher: Sanskrit Book Depot
Author: Sri Siblal Bandyopadhyay
About the Book:- পরাশরের অনুসরণে যে সমস্ত গ্রন্থ রচিত হয়েছিল, তার মধ্যে দ্রাবিড় তামিলনাদ নিবাসী ভেঙ্কটেশ রচিত“সৰ্ব্বার্থ চিন্তামণি”তে আধুনিক জ্যোতিষীদের মতে পরাশরের মতবাদ সম্পূর্ণভাবে অনুসৃত হয়েছে। “সৰ্ব্বার্থ চিন্তামণি” অতি বৃহৎ গ্রন্থ—পরাশরের অনুসরণে কেমন ভাবে জ্যোতিষের সূত্রাদির গবেষণা করা হয়..
Rs.499.00 Rs.600.00
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Publisher: Sanskrit Book Depot
Author: Bimalakanta Lahiri
Parashari Hora | Original Verses | Bengali | পারাশরী হোরা | মূল, অনুবাদ এবং উদাহরণসহ | বিমলাকান্ত লাহিড়ী | ..
Rs.510.00 Rs.600.00
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Publisher: Saptarishis Publications
Author: Chandrashekhar Sharma
About the Book: "Laghu
Prshari", a great ancient text which explains how Vimshottari Dashs should
be applied, also known as Ududya Pradeep, along with "Madhya Prshari"
aka "Ududya Dash" and published together, has been translated in many
languages. However there was dearth of a detailed commenta..
Rs.290.00 Rs.325.00
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