Publisher: Patitpabon Publishers
Author: Pt. Lokenath Chakraborty
About the Book:- Practical Hastarekha Samagra: হস্তরেখা বিচার বা কররেখা এর প্রাচীন নাম ‘সামুদ্রিক বিদ্যা'। আধুনিক কালে' হস্তরেখা বিচার নামে পরিচিত তাও হাতের আকৃতি, নখ, আঙুল, পর্ব, বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুষ্ঠ, কলতলের রেখা,আমি এই গ্রন্থের পাঠক-পাঠিকাদের বিশেষ অনুরোধ যে, তাঁরা পুস্তকখানি বারবার শুধু প..
Rs.450.00 Rs.500.00
Ex Tax:Rs.450.00
Publisher: Nirmal Book Agency
Author: Sukradebacharya
DCI Recommendedহস্তরেখা বিষয়ক অন্যান্য পুস্তকাদির সঙ্গে তুলনা করলেই বোঝা যাবে যে, আলোচ্য গ্রন্থটি স্বাবাবিকভাবেই একটি অনন্যসাধারণ পুস্তক। এই পুস্তকের মাধ্যমে প্রাচ্য ও পাশ্চাত্যের হস্তরেখা বিষয়ক সমুদয় জ্ঞান ভাণ্ডারকে সর্বসাধারণের কাছে সহজ ও সরলভাবে উপস্থাপিত করা হয়েছে। দেবরোল, কিরো, বেনহাম..
Rs.199.00 Rs.250.00
Ex Tax:Rs.199.00
Publisher: JAICO Publishing House
Author: Dr. G. Francis Xavier
DCI Recommended Dr. G. Francis
Xavier began to read palms as a hobby, and now is a renowned researcher in
Palmistry. He had launched a major project to study the palms of both reputed
and less known personalities in various countries of the world.This book is a
product of 25 years of the author'..
Rs.290.00 Rs.350.00
Ex Tax:Rs.290.00
Publisher: Ajay Book Service
Author: Comte C. De Saint-Germain
DCI RecommendedThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally
important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This
work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly in other
nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and..
Rs.175.00 Rs.195.00
Ex Tax:Rs.175.00
Publisher: Ajay Book Service
Author: M. N. Laffan
------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE III. METHOD
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------19III. THE LINE OF INSTINCT OR "LIFE LINE"
Ex Tax:Rs.150.00
Publisher: Ajay Book Service
Author: M. M. Gaafar
DCI Highly RecommendedILM-UL-KAFF
is a Practical Study of the Science of Hand Reading as Practiced in Egypt,
Arabia and the West.Palmistry is the only art that could be studied and practiced at all times and in all places with the utmost ease. Unlike other arts, no
laboratories, special instrumen..
Rs.420.00 Rs.450.00
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Publisher: Ajay Book Service
Author: William G. Benham
DCI Highly Recommended
There has never been conceived or made by man any instrument,
machine, or contrivance, capable of such a diversity of usefulness as the human
hand. Nothing has ever existed with such infinite adaptability to various
needs, or capable of being trained to such degrees of d..
Rs.450.00 Rs.590.00
Ex Tax:Rs.450.00
Publisher: Ajay Book Service
Author: Comte C. De Saint-Germain
DCI Highly Recommended
This is the best book on Palmistry which will be well known and
widely accepted. This works on the study of palmistry is a comprehensive and
informative look at the subject with much of the information still useful and
practical today. Containing 1254 original illustrati..
Rs.399.00 Rs.490.00
Ex Tax:Rs.399.00
Publisher: Hind Pocket Books
Author: Cheiro
'ज्योतिष एक
प्राचीन भारतीय
विज्ञान है, यह
कीरो ने
सत्य साबित
कर दिखाया है' - पी० एन०
ओकसंसार के
सर्वाधिक ख्याति
प्राप्त भविष्य
वक्ता कीरो
ज्योतिष विद्या
के भी
प्रकाण्ड पंडित
हैं। उन्हीं
के प्रामाणिक
अनुभवों का
अनूठा संग्रह
है जीवन
रेखाएं और
आपका स्वास्थ्य।
यह पुस्त..
Rs.130.00 Rs.150.00
Ex Tax:Rs.130.00
Publisher: Global Vision Publishing House
Author: Cheiro
DCI RecomendedAbout the Book:We often wonder what
awaits us in the future and many of us have consulted various ways to find out
what lies in future for us. Palmistry is the practice of characterisation and
the prediction of future through the study of the palm. The study of Palmistry
dates back..
Rs.680.00 Rs.800.00
Ex Tax:Rs.680.00
Publisher: Global Vision Publishing House
Author: Cheiro
DCI RecomendedAbout the Book:Cheiro’s Language of
the Hand, has long been accepted as the classic of palmistry. This book has
explained methods for reading personalities, recognizing astrological links,
and prognostication, along with drawings of hands showing structural types and
lines. It is a..
Rs.635.00 Rs.750.00
Ex Tax:Rs.635.00
Publisher: V & S Publishers
Author: Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali
About the Book: The destiny of our entire
life is imprinted in our palms! The thinnest line on the palm has its own significance,
even a single thread-line is important. What one needs is an able palmist who
can read these lines, understand the importance and be able to make it clear. So,
Rs.240.00 Rs.295.00
Ex Tax:Rs.240.00